The One Time When I Pooped Myself

One day I was watching Doge memes while eating Cheerios flavored Pizza Bites when I noticed my Jerk face stomach was growling at me. I then called tech-support as I knew I had a virus. When they arrived it wasn't tech-support. It was Jeff. Not the killer, but Jeff the plumber. He wore a Mario hat and danced like he was on purple drugs as we approached the bedroom. Then my toilet called me over to the bath room. The Notes are from what happened. 

Entry #1 May 234,620,341, 1874

The toilet told me to see him, and it wasn't worth it. He sold me a weird looking (totally not haunted or anything) copy of Grand Theft Spider-Man 6. The game he gave me started as normal, the usaul starting up screen where you pleasure yourself with webs then gun fight. But then things got weird. First Spider-Man started chanting demonic Quotes then showed a picture of my dead body but I just assumed it was a little glitch as I was exited to play the game. Then another thing happened. My Donkey Rape flavored Cough Medicine started to puke all over Jeff the Plumber and he got mad and spontaneously combusted. My Gay Justin Beiber hair then started growing and I was eaten. 

Entry #2 July .598 1921 

Teh he heh hehe he he...POOP!
This is my final gift to you guys, my anus. I hope you don't download any of my images or else he will get you. Oh GOD N-
You should have done that, Poopraper12638
You should have done that.